MDR Gives is a philanthropic program established by MAKING DREAMS Realty and now managed by The MDR House. Each year, The MDR House donates a portion of sales and/or time to help support local area causes, either through financial donations or hands-on volunteering.
Since the inception of MAKING DREAMS Realty in 2015, it has been a driving conversation on how to support, serve, and give-back to our local community. As team members and partnerships at The MDR House continue to grow, so does our goal to be able to give-back, and provide these types of contributions and volunteer efforts.
"It's been exciting to get this program up and running," says Kevin Clark. "Our company has grown, and we would not be where we are today without the compassionate hearts of our supportive team," he stated. "It's never been about the transactions for us", states Renee Clark. "It's always been about how can we serve people by taking a unique, kind, and holistic approach to our services."
Currently, The MDR Gives program is focusing on a venture of supporting and helping widows in our community. A few times each year, MDR volunteers are donating their time and efforts to assist widows in need of help with home projects, inside or out. The company also hosts a Christmas Mingle yearly where donations are given to a local non-profit, as well as trying to support various local charity events throughout the year.
Every transaction & sale that occurs within The MDR House counts. So whether you are using our real estate services, buying custom window treatments, or purchasing showroom products, each transaction gives us the opportunity to better serve our community. "And for us, to give-back is a feel-good, win-win blessing for all involved," claims Renee.
For more information, please call 608.302.6450 or email us at
Supporting the Issac Strong Foundation
Proceeds from our 2023 Christmas Mingle went to help support the Rock County Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force.
GIVE-BACK: Volunteer Day | Sept 2023
All4Widows group. Watch Video
GIVE-BACK: Volunteer Day | June 2023
A wonderful time of serving, The MDR Team provided hands-on work for members of the All4Widows group. Watch Video Reel.
Proceeds from the 2022 Christmas Mingle went to help support Pregnancy Helpline, located in Janesville, WI providing a variety of family resources and support for those in need.
GIVE-BACK: Community Recipient | 2022
It is with great pleasure that we were able to choose a local community member - a single mother of two - for the July 2022 MDR Give-Back Program Recipient. Nominated by a family member, & sharing a detailed, and heart-filled message, The MDR Team unanimously chose this recipient based on her willingness to not take the easy route, but to strive to be "a role mode for her kids." We echo her family member's words in saying; "Hey, we see you. We see your efforts. Don't give up. You got this," and we wish her the very best moving forward.
GIVE-BACK: Echo, Inc | 2022
MDR chose ECHO, Inc for their give-back, end of year financial donation of 2021. ECHO, Inc was specifically chosen due to their work in providing emergency lodging and rapid re-housing services to the local community. "Both of these services are extremely valuable, especially this time of year. We are hopeful that our donation can help," stated Kevin Clark. Thank you ECHO for your service within the surrounding Rock County community.
ECHO, Inc is located in Janesville, WI and strives to serve Rock County's most vulnerable populations. Learn more
GIVE-BACK: New Day Women's Clinic | 2021
MDR has chosen New Day Women's Clinic in Delavan, WI for their give-back program donation in 2021. "We wanted to recognize and support their positive work in providing free health services, including pregnancy testing, ultrasound, education, and informed decision making to women in Southern Wisconsin. We want to thank them for their honorable service. Their work in our communities does not go unnoticed." -R Clark.
GIVE-BACK:Both Hands | 2020
Watch Video. "Partnering with Both Hands not only supported a local couple's adoption funding process, but it also gave us an opportunity to lend a helping hand to a local widow in need of packing and moving services. This was super fun and right up our alley! We were definitely excited to be a part of this process." Learn More. Scott & Laura's Both Hands Page